Sean Williams

06 - Dr Caroline Leaf

Welcome to Episode 6 with Dr Caroline Leaf. 

Dr. Leaf holds a Ph.D. in communication pathology from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Since 1981 she has researched the science of thought as it relates to thinking, learning, renewing the mind, gifting and potential. Dr. Leaf is an international and national conference speaker on topics relating to optimal brain performance, such as stress, toxic thoughts, male/female brain differences, thinking and learning, controlling our thought lives, wisdom and how to identify and use one's natural gifts. She is frequently interviewed on TV stations around the globe, has published many books and scientific journal articles and has her own TV show and podcast. Leaf and her husband, Mac, live with their four children in Dallas, Texas.  

I first came across Dr Caroline Leaf many years ago when I bought her book SWITCH ON YOUR BRAIN. She’s just released her latest read, THINK, LEARN, SUCCEED and I managed to grab 15 minutes with her while she was in South Africa promoting the book. The day after this interview I attended her full day seminar, which was pretty incredible. Her work is hope filled, empowering and inspiring. I was impacted by the atmosphere she cultivated and sustained over a full day seminar – it was enlightening to say the least. You collide with her conviction and her determination and you feel strong and ready to make small changes that yield big rewards. 

One of the many joys of producing my podcast – is that I am immersed in the audio for weeks before you hear it - and so I deeply experience the very unique flavour that each guest brings to the show. Dr Caroline Leaf brings something very new to this space. 

 I wanted to bring this interview to you on The Beautiful Pursuit for a number of reasons. One of those is because I believe in the immense power of stewarding our thought life. She’ll really make you stop and think. I once heard her say: We are deeply intellectual beings created in the image of a deeply intellectual God. So when we get in touch with who we really are created to be by God, then we think clearly. 

I hope this interivew brings you much clarity! Much love, Ant